The way that technology can now analyse data, it is very important for those that require audience insights, namely marketing professionals, to obtain the maximum value out of big data universes. Understanding and unlocking hidden patterns can be a gold mine for future campaigns or when assessing an individual consumer’s spending habits.
Marketing professionals wanting to leverage high value data with insights need to understand how the data is composed and certainly its processes and then apply it when campaigning. Most consumers believe that they have been individually targeted and whether this is for product purchasing or other reasons, granular transparency is required. The key to successful marketing is understanding who your audience is and accessing high quality, insightful B2C data. Sales conversions usually follow.
For the consumer data to perform, especially where an audience is being targeted for marketing, the data must be enriched with insights and key pieces of information that enable one to correctly target who they wish to sell their products or services to. What use is there trying to sell something to individuals that cannot or will not purchase your products or services. A typical example is where a pool builder is canvassing his services to short term renters instead of home owners. Whether the enrichment is demographically based or not, data performance cannot be achieved unless some form of data enrichment is present.
Once you’ve located the correct consumers and via whatever digital channel or any other means you need to contact them, the consumer data must connect. Too often, we see data that has not been validated correctly and from phone numbers not being connected, emails bouncing or residential addresses not formatted correctly, the data simply does not connect, causing a poor conversion rate. Terrible and a marketer’s nightmare. Data suppliers can spin you any line of rubbish on what their data can offer, but the first thing some of theirs don’t do, is “connect”.
Simple analysis can be undertaken and at Global Data, we not only provide high quality B2C data, we also offer insightful, analytical services to identify good data from bad data. We help companies find out whether the data they have been purchasing is real or not real.
Companies should maintain consistent standards and at all times and be willing to try alternate data providers. A data provider you are not trialing, is a data source that you do not have at your disposal and limiting your organisations scope of success.
Get in touch with us and let us demonstrate how. Start marketing more effectively and unlock your data’s true potential.