Identity Data Verification:
Verify Personal Identity Data

Securely verify personal identity data with our identity data verification services. Our advanced solutions focus on validating the information related to an individual, ensuring that personal details such as name, address, and date of birth are cross-checked against trusted authoritative data sources to provide the highest identity data match rates in Australia. This meticulous verification process enhances the integrity of your data, reduces the risk of fraud, and supports regulatory compliance with AUSTRAC.

Boosting Match Rates for
Superior Identity Verification

Identity Data Verification is a targeted solution for combating identity fraud in Australia. Utilising a strategic selection of robust data sources focused on Australian identities, the system significantly elevates match rates. It verifies customer identities across various parameters, including full names, addresses, dates of birth, and contact details, enhancing precision and streamlining the onboarding process.

identity data verification

Key Features

Extensive Australian Data Sources

  • Features hundreds of Australian data sources, comprising nearly one billion current and historical identity profiles.
  • Combined with trusted authoritative sources to provide the highest identity data match rates in Australia.

Advanced Fraud Detection

  • Utilises innovative identity datasets such as biometric checks, mobile intelligence, and document verification.
  • Integrates superannuation, employment, and government data for comprehensive identity verification and fraud prevention.
identity data features

Additional Features

Customisation & Compliance

  • Configurable solutions tailored to specific business needs and risk management strategies.
  • Compliant with AML and CTF regulations, screening against global watchlists and adverse media sources for enhanced customer protection.

Streamlined User Experience

  • Offers an integrated platform experience, enhancing precision in Australian identity verification.
  • Automated processes ensure a smooth, frictionless customer experience without compromising security or compliance.

Enhancing AML & CTF Compliance

Our Identity Data Verification services are integral in achieving high match rates for Australian identities and serve as a robust defence against illicit activities. This diligent verification process is key to maintaining financial transaction integrity and upholding strict AML and CTF standards.

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