Since the inception of our Online Marketing Portal Quester, back in September 2015,  we have seen it undergo so many developments. Why so many modifications, inclusions or developments over 4 months? Put simply, we are listening to our clients as well as observing trends in “Big data” around the world as predicted by Data scientists. A little more on those predictions in a moment.

Quester, as consistently shown by us here at Global Data Pty Ltd has the ability to allow the customer to create a B2C Marketing list in minutes, targeting any location in Australia, a specific demographic audience and whether it’s a List Broker or Solar Energy client, we are assisting them all.

Data scientists are currently observing better use of data and data science by the government to further track people and detect fraud and terrorists. As we all often read, some say that “personal data” accumulation in some industries can be intrusive, whilst others believe it can be used to observe market trends, customer behavior / spending and pattern purchasing.

Further predictions on particular growth in real-time data analytics and increasing use of machine-learning algorithms;  the world of big data will focus more on smart data, regardless of size; Data will move from experimental to deployed technology in image recognition, language understanding, and exceed human performance in many areas. “Customer behavioral patterns” through interactive data portals are proving to be powerful for data suppliers and allowing for interaction between the data supplier and end user clients on the performance of data supplies.

Just as many marketers are now relying on Social Media trends to isolate and determine consumers spending habits, vacation habits and more, Big data is moving towards smart analytical data and that is where Quester will eventually end up. Customer engagement / interaction with Quester will be the first step towards this and our clients will begin to see these features over the next few months, as they have seen over the last 4 months…Stay tuned for more updates on Quester.


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